Sunday, September 01, 2013

Windows Advance boot option and how to use them.

This is my preference for how to use the Windows Advance Debugging options.

  • Last Known Good Configuration (advanced) The Last Known Good Configuration (advanced) option starts Windows with the drivers and registry data that were recorded the last time Windows was successfully started and then shut down. This tool on the Advanced Boot Option menu is a great thing to try first, before any other troubleshooting, because it returns a lot of really important configuration information back to a time when Windows worked. If a start-up problem you're having is due to a registry or driver change, Last Known Good Configuration could be a really simple fix.

  • Safe Mode (s)Starts Windows with the minimum of drivers and services possible.Safe Mode with Networking: Same as Safe Mode, but also includes drivers and services needed to enable the network. Safe Mode with Command Prompt: Same as Safe Mode, but loads the Command Prompt as the user interface.  In general, try Safe Mode first. If that doesn't work, try Safe Mode with Command Prompt, assuming you have command-line troubleshooting plans. Try Safe Mode with Networking if you'll need network or Internet access while in Safe Mode.
  • Disable automatic restart on system failure The Disable automatic restart on system failure option stops Windows from restarting after a serious system failure, like a Blue Screen of Death.If you can't disable automatic restart from within Windows because Windows won't fully start, this Advanced Boot Option suddenly become very useful.
  •  Enable Boot Logging The Enable Boot Logging option will keep a log of the drivers being loaded during the Windows boot process. Type msconfi and select boot loging. If Windows fails to start, you can reference this log and determine which driver was last successfully loaded, or first unsuccessfully loaded, giving you a starting point for your troubleshooting. The files are named either ntbtlog.txt or bootlog.txt, depending on how old your PC is. These files, found in the Windows folder, list the success or failure of various pieces of Windows as it’s loaded into memory from the PC’s mass storage system. Note: The boot log is overwritten every time you start Windows. 

  • Debugging Mode The Debugging Mode option enables debug mode in Windows, an advanced diagnostic mode where data about Windows can be sent to connected "debugger."

Some other useful modes for specific problems:

  • Disable Driver Signature Enforcement The Disable Driver Signature Enforcement option allows drivers that are not digitally signed to be installed in Windows.

  • Directory Services Restore Mode The Directory Services Restore Mode option repairs the directory service. This tool on the Advanced Boot Options menu is only applicable to Active Directory domain controllers and has no use in a normal home, nor in most small business, computer environments.

  • Enable low-resolution video (640x480) The Enable low-resolution video (640x480) option decreases the screen resolution to 640x480, as well as lowering the refresh rate. This option does not change the display driver in any way. This Advanced Boot Option tool is most useful when the screen resolution has been changed to one that the monitor you're using can't support, giving you an opportunity to enter Windows at a universally accepted resolution so you can then set it to an appropriate one.

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