Wednesday, September 17, 2014

My pursuit to increase Biceps/Triceps Size by 2 inch

I have been working out from years but never really focused on just increasing the arm size. I think the main reason was I was happy with biceps/triceps/arm size and always focused on training the full body.

3 months ago, I started to felt that I need to increase my arm size and made a goal to increase the size by 2". After doing lots of research and trying, I found out that I was not training enough for my arm muscles to grow. Arms are small muscle and they need proper planned and balanced training to grow in Size.

Here are few things which I learned and tried in last three months and I was able to increase my arm size by 2+ inch when flexed.

1. Dedicate one full workout day to Bicpes/Triceps only.
2.Train both Biceps and Triceps same day and then give at least 48 rest before you train them again
2.  Focus on BOTH Compound and Concentrated Exercise. Do Super Set of biceps and triceps
3. Change Exercise every 2-3 weeks by adding different variation. Sometime just changing the grip would put the pressure on different point.
5. Always do the full motion. Stand in front of mirror and look from side to make sure you are doing the full motion. Concentration and correct form is very important to get a quality workout.
6. Eat proper diet including fat in moderation. To increase the size you need to gain some weight.
7. Keep doing some other basic exercise, like squat, bench press and pull-up and chin ups
8. One day do light weight more repetition and other day do heavy weight but less reps.

Just have an arm day in where you blast your biceps with curls, immediately after do your triceps with skullcrushers and do that for around 5 rounds. It would equal like 10 sets. After that do rows or pullups followed by dips for another 5 rounds. Every two sets equals a round. I am 100% sure your arms will grow . I always had problems growing arms until I did these workouts. They are military workouts and I guarantee results so long as you keep healthy and do the workouts for about 3 months. Continue your normal workout regimen (shoulder day. chest day., back day. etc) throughout these 3 months and take your protein after EVERY workout. Finally be sure to include military press and a demanding full shoulder workout on shoulder day.

Let me tell you that this is not going to be easy - well, if it was that easy then everybody would be walking with 18" arm. You have to make it as a goal, focused on it and visualize very very often. You have to obsessed about getting a big size otherwise you are not going to get it. You will find that you can grow the size by 1" quickly when blood is flowing the muscle but then you will find that it came to the original size if you do not work out for a week. The goal is to increase the size such that 80% of it stays there. It need patience and time to get the size you want.

Now, I am passing along this challenge to YOU!

Bicpeps Exercise:
Barbel curl
Preacher Curl
Bicpes curl - move the pinky out when on top
Hammer Curl
Seated Cable
Inner grip - works outer side of biceps
Wide grip - Works on inner side

Triceps Exercise
Skull crusher
Incline triceps
Close grip chest press

Need some motivation - then watch this

Friday, September 05, 2014

Tricks to remove virus,malware,trojan manually

You are most likely reading this because you are infected with some sort of malware and want to remove it. With this knowledge that you are infected, it is also assumed that you have examined the programs running on your computer and found one that does not look right and you want to remove it. 

Follow these steps:

1. Download and extract the Autoruns program by Sysinternals to C:\Autoruns
2. Reboot into Safe Mode so that the malware is not started when you are doing these steps.
3. Navigate to the C:\Autoruns folder you created in Step 1 and double-click on autoruns.exe.
4. When the program starts, click on the Options menu and enable the following options by clicking on them. This will place a checkmark next to each of these options.
Include empty locations:Verify Code Signatures,Include empty locations,Hide Signed Microsoft Entries.Then press the F5 key on your keyboard to refresh the startups list using these new settings.

5. The program shows information about your startup entries in 8 different tabs. For the most part, the filename you are looking for will be found under the Logon or the Services tabs, but you should check all the other tabs to make sure they are not loading elsewhere as well. Click on each tab and look through the list for the filename that you want to remove. The filename will be found under the Image Path column. There may be more than one entry associated with the same file as it is common for malware to create multiple startup entries. It is important to note that many malware programs disguise themselves by using the same filenames as valid Microsoft files. it is therefore important to know exactly which file, and the folder they are in, that you want to remove. You can check our Startup Database for that information or ask for help in our computer help forums.

7.Once you find the entry that is associated with the malware, you want to delete that entry so it will not start again on the next reboot. To do that right click on the entry and select delete. This startup entry will now be removed from the Registry.

8.Now that we made it so it will not start on boot up, you should delete the file using My Computer or Windows Explorer. If you can not see the file, it may be hidden - so change view options

9. When you are finished removing the malware entries from the Registry and deleting the files, reboot into normal mode as you will now be clean from the infection.

Additional info:
dir /ah to see the hidden file
look under /user/public folder
rename if you can not delete some virus related file.
look for suspicious batch files
User process explorer -
See Who Your PC's Talking To - The Moo0 Connection Watcher is free, and you can get it from
Startup entry database:

Use Windows7 recovery console to Change registry and remove virus

The Windows 7 System Recovery Command Prompt is such a powerful tool because you can perform actions on your files and data without having to be in Windows. This means that if you are infected with malware you can use the recovery environment to clean your computer of rootkits or malware without fear of them hindering your efforts as they will not be started. You can easily fix the registry entries

From Recovery Command Prompt  you can load your Windows Registry hives and then access them using Regedit. That way if you or a program has changed a setting in your Registry that does not allow you to boot up, you can fix it using the command prompt. An example of this would be when an antivirus program incorrectly fixes the Userinit key and thus you are no longer able to login to Windows. To fix this you would start the Windows Recovery Environment Command Prompt and load the hives, fix the changes, and unload them again.

Boot from win 7 install disk, choose recovery, and command prompt.

Figure 7. Choose a recovery tool

Type REG LOAD HKLM\TempSoft D:\Windows\System32\config\software and press Enter to load the Registry hive.

Type regedit.exe and press Enter to start the Windows Registry Editor.

Browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\TempSoft\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon key within the Registry Editor.

Double-click on the Userinit value and change the data to read D:\Windows\system32\userinit.exe,

Exit the Windows Registry Editor.

Type REG UNLOAD HKLM\TempSoft and press Enter to unload the Registry hive.

Then exit the recovery console and restart. The registry should have been changed.

The same way you can load the SYSTEM hive and change the start and stop behavior of  IDE/AHCI/RAID driver which are usually the culprit of 7B BSOD.

Command set supported by windows recovery console:

Console Command
attribChange permissions on files.
BootrecYou can use the Bootrec.exe tool in the Windows Recovery Environment (Windows RE) to troubleshoot and repair the master boot record (MBR), boot sector,and Boot Configuration Data (BCD) store
bcdeditDisplays and allows you to change how Windows boots up. This command is useful for people who are having trouble with the Windows Boot Manager
cdChanges the current directory
chkdskChecks a hard disk for errors and attempts to repair them.
copyCopy a file from one location to another.
delDeletes a file
dirLists the files and folders in the current directory
diskpartLoad the Windows disk management program. From this program you can create, delete, shrink, and expand your existing partitions as well as get information about partitions and hard drives
icaclsChange file and folder permissions and display or modify access control lists (ACLs)
mkdirCreates a new folder
moreDisplays the content of a file one page at a time
moveMoves a file or a folder
regPerform Windows Registry operations.
renRename a file or folder
rdRemove an empty folder
typeDisplay the contents of a file
xcopyCopy a folder or files to another location

Windows Program Name
Notepad.exeOpens up the Windows Notepad so you can view and edit text files. You can also use the file browser when click the File -> Open menus to copy, move, rename, and delete files.
Regedit.exeThe Windows Registry Editor.
rstrui.exeThe System Restore console where you can restore your computer back to earlier restore points.

Monday, September 01, 2014

How to Exclude hard disk partitions from Check Disk (chkdsk)

How to Exclude hard disk partitions from Check Disk (chkdsk) tool scanning at startup in Windows

1) Open Registry Editor and expand the key branch

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ Session Manager in the left pane

2) Now double click the key value BootExecute in the right pane

3) You will find value autocheck autochk * in the Value data text box. This means that every partition of the hard disk is checked for bad sectors and errors.

4) If you want to exclude C: partition from the chkdsk tool scanning at startup then simply type autocheck autochk /k:C * in the Value data textbox and press OKbutton

Note: Here you can add more partitions in this way, say you want to exclude D: along with C: then type in the Value data textbox and press OK button

5) To restore the default state, type autocheck autochk * and press OK button

AHCI Emulation in QEMU and how to Make it work in Windows 7

New QEMU let's you emulate the AHCI controller, so that the DomU can see the AHCI device. But the problem is that the AHCI controller exposed through QEMU comes with old I/O controller and device IDs.
In my experiment AHCI device IDs are 8086:2922. Now the problem comes because Intel RST controller does not support these device IDs and Microsoft Standard AHCI driver will load up but some of the functionality will not work.

In my experiment Win7 hibernate was not working with QEMU exposed AHCI controller + Microsoft Standard AHCI driver. MS has not updated its standard AHCI driver from years. To solve the problem I had to go back and install an old version of Intel RAID+ AHCI driver which was originally released for 9096:2922 device-


After this driver AHCI functionality started to work.

The other option is you can use modded Intel driver from here -