First let’s talk about food: Three types of Macro Nutrition’s:
1. Protein
2. Carbs (Slow carbs, Fast Carbs)
3. Fat (Saturated Fat & Avoid Trans Fats)
Your body can take energy from any of the three. Some Carbs are
slow digesting. For example- all whole grain items, sweet potatoes. Fast
digesting Carbs are white potatoes, white bread. Slow digesting are not stored
as fat.
During a mass-building phase, strive to take in a minimum of 2 g
and up to about 3 g of carbohydrates per pound of body weight per
day. During cutting phases, reduce total carbohydrate consumption to 1 g per
pound of body weight.
Some common question that most of us have when working out
1) Count Calories
When breaking down a bodybuilding diet, macro nutrients are
often split into percentages. For instance, an off season dietary
recommendation might be to get 50% of calories from carbs, 30% from protein and
20% from fats. To do this accurately, you have to have this valuable
information: every gram of carbs has approximately four calories, every gram of
protein has four calories and every gram of fat has nine calories. This calorie
differential explains why bodybuilders, even those who are not on a low-fat
diet, need to pay attention to fat calories, as well as to carbs and protein.
For gaining mass, shoot for at least 20 calories per pound of body weight when
getting lean, cut calories to 15 or less per pound of bodyweight.
2) How frequent
you should exercise?
Allow at least 72 hours between workouts for most body parts
(calves and abs, excepted). So if you train triceps on Monday, you can hit them
again on Thursday.
Cardio can rob your recuperative reserves. Avoid leg-intensive
cardio the day prior to leg day.
3) How long
should you rest?
Well it depends: If the goal is to slash the fat then your
rest should be minimum no more than 90 seconds.
If you want to build mass- rest between 2 to 4 minutes. If you are
doing a compound exercise like squat or dead lift or chest,
rest at least 2 minutes.
4) How many reps
to do?
Heavy Exercise- 5-8 reps
Mid compound- 7-10 reps
Isolation: leg extension- 10-15 or higher. Moderate wight and
higher repetition
First do the compound lift and then move to isolation workout.
Abs and Calves are exception to these.
5) How much should I lift?
Heavy weight is not important. What is important is that you are
firing the targeted muscle or not. I have seen many folks in the gym lifting
very heavy but they do not gain the size, because they are using swing to lift
the weight. To gain the muscle size, you need to break the muscle fiber to
trigger the growth. And to break the muscle fiber you need to lift as much as
you can control during negative motion (for example while coming down). One way
to know the weight is too heavy or not is to count 1,2,3 while coming and make
sure the weight is in proper control
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